
The Golden 3-2-1 Backup Rule

Backup is important but it is just as important to remember that having one backup copy is sometimes not enough. For example, let’s assume that you backup your computer to an external drive, which you keep in your home office. If your computer crashes, you have the backup copy. However, if a fire breaks out in your home, it will destroy both your computer and the external drive.


You will be surprised to learn how many small businesses do not back up their data and how many more do not survive a data disaster. Watch this video and learn how following the 3-2-1 Rule of Backup can stop your organization from becoming a data disaster statistic.

For this reason, Acronis has created the 3-2-1 rule:

Create 3 copies of your data (1 primary copy and 2 backups)

Store your copies in at least 2 types of storage media (local drive, network share/NAS, tape drive, etc.)

Store one of these copies offsite (in the Cloud)

By keeping backup copies both locally and offsite – perhaps in the cloud - you double the protection of your data in the event of any unforeseen event or disaster.

Just as important as the 3-2-1 rule is the timetable you establish to back up your system on-going. For example, Frank backed up his Mac on March 31st. In July, his hard drive fails. While Frank has a lot of his files and data, he does not have any of the files from April through July – that is almost 4 months of lost data - files, documents, pictures, videos, and music files.

For this reason, Acronis recommends that you establish a frequent back up schedule. You determine your backup schedule based on your assessment of how much data you are willing to lose. Many backup advocates back up on a daily or weekly basis, depending upon how often they use your computer. In order to give you peace of mind and to save you time and effort, you want to use backup software that can automatically back up your system and files.