MassTransit provides state of the art end-user experience. Simple, clean and natural user interfaces designed to get the job done. No need to learn how to use complex functions. The tools you need are in front of you. You already use them.
- Web browser support for file transfers. Firefox, IE, Chrome and Safari web browsers Use the web mail-like interface to select the files and folders they want to send, choose the recipient and click "send". Transferring files couldn't be easier!
- Ad hoc file transfers Just as easy as sending an email. Use email addresses, a subject and message, select the files to send and click Send. No need to ask IT to create and maintain accounts.
- Supports FTP and SFTP MassTransit supports your company's existing FTP and SFTP clients and FTP servers, ensuring compatibility with vendor and customer systems. No need to manage several file transfer systems. Use MassTransit for all your transfer needs.
- Branded file transfer web portal Customize your file transfer web portal with your organization's logos and color schemes to increase customer awareness and satisfaction.
- Web Browser plug-in for power users Do you need to transfer 100+ GB files, or hundreds of files at once? No problem. The MassTransit Web Client Plug-in supports Internet Explorer, Safari, and Firefox on Mac and Windows computers and lets you do that and more. It also enables advanced features and protocols, including UDP acceleration and MTAP protocol with compression, encryption and support for Mac file integrity. Plus many features for enhanced user experience.
- Sends email notifications and alerts with every file transfer, including hot links for file retrieval.
MassTransit supports file delivery protocols suited to satisfy different requirements and uses. The currently included protocols are HTTP, HTTPS, MTAP, MTAPS, FTP, SFTP and UDP.
- Lossless inline data compression
- Digital certificates
- Seamless support for complex folder structures and Macintosh files
- Checkpoint – restore
- Scales to multi Gigabyte file transfers MassTransit has been designed to handle even the largest, most complex file transfers, over 100GB made up of thousands of files.
- Built-in encryption
MassTransit elegantly supports both simple and complex file transfer scenarios, ranging from email-like user-to-user deliveries, to fully automated site-to-site use cases, including powerful workflow tools and APIs to support integration and scripting to handle more complex or custom situations.
- Client-to-client transfers MassTransit makes it very easy for users to send each other files through a web portal or with the plug-in for Outlook. Senders can upload files directly from their desktop. Recipients receive an email with a link to download the file through the browser.
- Mixed client and server file transfers Users can send files to remote file servers or receive files that have been copied into folders on remote file servers. This means that companies have tremendous flexibility in how and when files are transferred.
- Automated digital supply chains MassTransit can automate even the most complex business processes that connect multiple users and systems.
- Site-to-site transfers Push and pull files without user intervention. Companies can setup "hot folders" on file servers at multiple sites or companies.
MassTransit's logging and reporting capabilities are critical to ensuring both visibility and control.
- Comprehensive, auditable, user-friendly log All aspects of the file transfer process are tracked. MassTransit tracks users, "send" progress and updates the log as to where files sit in the queue.
- Reporting tools MassTransit provides rich, web-based reporting that significantly increases visibility and control into system usage, what information is being sent, system health and performance.
FTP server administration is typically an IT administrator's nightmare. MassTransit streamlines all of this, requiring a fraction of the cost and time that would have otherwise been required to support hundreds of users.
- Active Directory automated client provisioning MassTransit can be bound to Microsoft's Active Directory groups to completely automate user provisioning, authentication and delivery permissions.
- Rich monitoring interfaces MassTransit provides monitoring interfaces to Microsoft Perfmon or other compatible system monitoring tools.
- Active Directory user authentication MassTransit can be tightly integrated with Microsoft's Active Directory to enforce user access rights and compliance with corporate credential policies.
- APIs for integration/automation MassTransit provides an extensive set of SOAP and COM based APIs to allow customers to tightly integrate MassTransit with content management and workflow management.
- Automated system cleanup and optimization MassTransit automatically deletes older files and unused accounts according to rules set by the administrator.